Eventually all 8th edition miniatures will be phased out in favor of new AoS models. This is how they plan on getting rid of 8th and 9th edition...
Lol, yet ANOTHER reason I don't play AoS!
I finished off 5 more Orc Boar Boyz. [img] [img] [img] Sorry for the poor pics.
Here's a few more little guys! (Snotlings) 60 wounds, 60 attacks right there. Basically the O&G equivalent to Jungle Swarms. [IMG] They even...
Lol, you're right! Awfully close there!
I finally managed to get a few pics of the Ogre Tyrant I "finished" for my new Ogre Kingdoms army. Their theme will be a clan of high mountain...
Lol, yeah, I just got one for Christmas. And even though it may take several applications, it don't think that it'll take all that long...
I used grass flocking for the base layer, then I used little tufts of different grass glued to the top as well as the little seed pods that look...
Just thought I'd share a few models that I finished as gifts for a few friends. [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
Wow! That's amazing! They look as though they were both cut from the same piece of wood! Great work!
??? What is that?
He should really sell the rights to those Kroxigor to a company. Reaper maybe? This site alone should be enough evidence that those models will...
Huh! I have seen that video before, but I didn't think about it! Thanks! That might actually be a good method to use. I've seen it used (quite...
So this is somewhat along the lines of what I was considering. I had even thought about the tent idea before I saw this model, but I have...
Not really that much, since I already have a Stegadon on the way, but I certainly wouldn't mind see other options!
I absolutely LOVE what was done here, but have no idea how he achieved that "tent". I originally had a similar idea and then I saw this one and...
Do you have recommendations?
I also have a GamesDay Slann coming in as well as another Stegadon. I'll plan on using them for Lord Mazdamundi. [img] [img]
Yeah, I was thinking something along these lines. I mean, the current one is floating, why not this one too? Add some giant tusks, feathers and...
Sweet! I just bought it off eBay and was wondering how old it was. I'll have to come up with something for bearers, or making it float, since...