Ironjawz need some artillery so I'm looking at Arrow boyz or Rock lobbers atm
Would it not be cheaper to buy from the UK and get it shipped over, for example the Eidolon of Mathlann is £51 in the UK from a online retailer...
Ha ha, mine just sits looking at me
Finished 2 Morghast Harbingers and my secret just waiting for @Lord-Marcus to announce his May monster mash before I post pics.
Looks really good, what are you using for the flock, a flockbox?
Welcome aboard, nice looking Basilidon, why not start a paint blog so we can comment on your models and better still you can monitor your...
So @Chicken Lips what have you got left to paint? are you still buying models?
Welcome aboard, I've had a quick look at your linked site and you have some nice stuff in there, looking forward to you sharing your hints and tips.
Not the best pics but here you go. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
That's a decent list for the points
Yeah i'm sure @Aginor will chip in as well.
One of the biggest learning curves is knowing when to leave something alone. ;)
I can but won't be until later but hes around twice the size.
Looks good but (there is all ways a but) I think your colours are too close together, your top shell looks good but it's not standing out against...
That blue skin is so effective and I bet it's really fast to paint. ;)
There ok but don't count on the damage output, more for harassing the enemy, get them in cover and they can be quite resilient.
Can you edit this post? If not I think it could be because you have not posted enough posts, just don't spam post to get your total up. :D
Welcome aboard, Mazdamundi has become very popular and that is a nice looking conversion.
I used this from Papo [IMG] [IMG]
So my goal for May, Finish my Death army and do a bit on my Seraphon. Death consists of the following, Arkhan 3 Vargheist 2 Morghast Harbingers...