Woo-hoo! My Ogre BSB made the front gallery of the Dakka Dakka website! I feel like I've finally arrived! Any votes would be much appreciated!
Lol, yeah, these were models that the guy I'm painting them for sent me. He had already put the grit on the base and primed them black. Not too...
I finished up 3 more Kairic Acolytes last night. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Four more to go.
Yep. L-M nailed it! It's a Chameleon Paint. Celestial Azure, I think? I did apply a medium glaze over it though. Thanks for the warm replies,...
That's not a bad idea. I'll probably do something along those lines. Right now, I'm working on getting some of the Silver Tower models painted...
Thanks! I'll eventually get to all of them.
I'll start paying homage to the Reaper when Bones 4 comes out!
Okay, I may be overreaching a bit here, but I'm going to set my goals out there for this month. I have a friend who has sent me some Silver Tower...
Well, it was either this or golf, and I hate golf. :p
You kiddin' me?!? You see all those unpainted models up there?!? Nah, really I'm about 2/3s way through all my models. I've got enough hobby...
Speaking of which, I also started on this Screaming Bell over the weekend. I wanted to take an updated army pic and once I got them all out, I...
Lol, I keep a lot of figures in my "queue" that I paint a little along on here and there. That way, it keeps a lot of models turning over.
And here's my finished unit of Ogre Maneaters! (The 3 I just finished and the 3 I had previously finished.) [img] [img] [img] [img]
Here's a Gorger I finished as well. Hopefully, this guy'll be able to wreck some good damage in some backfields! [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
Those Knights will be a fun-looking unit once all painted up!
Thanks, guys! The snow is really easy as is the blue skin tone. The snow is just the snow basing material from Gale Force 9 with a little...
Looks good!
I finished my second Ogre Hunter this weekend, meeting my goals for this month!...
I finished up my second Ogre Hunter over the weekend. I got a lot of other things done as well. Like my wife and I actually getting away from...