Unfortunately yes
I'll echo that Dan produces some excellent minis ;)
Finishing my SC Troglodon
That's exactly what I thought, how many Basilidons will I need! :D
I only need to lock it for 18 days :D
I could post this then lock the thread, just saying :rolleyes:
"A" all the way
Sort off, paint the base as you would then add the foliage after it.
Do method A then add the herbs etc after painting, use super glue and sprinkle them on.
Looks really good, I'm actually painting the same model atm.
@Ritual started the ball rolling, I only buy from them now the savings are fantastic.
Any Batallions or did he have 2 big models? wizard = Rotigus 340 pts
The list without the wizard is 1520 points so dunno what the wizard could be.
Probably the same here ;)
Have you tried using a camera app where you can adjust speeds etc?
Sketching the design out on paper helps as you get a feel for the design, break it down into simple shapes and make sure your paint is thin, you...
Why was it uncomfortable? You could have pointed out that it was turn 3 but the result would be the same, Archaon and all thing Daemon stand...
What phone are you using?
And that's GW prices we know that unless you are buying direct from GW we will find that £50 set on line for £38 which is a complete steal.