Another thread for the collection of stuff that will be requiring updates and everything but I enjoy it so it doesn't bother me. Mentioned in the...
It's a juggle between Chaos or Death, then Skin wolves are a Chaos unit but Death feels fitting then similar for Chaos really. I personally can't...
When I play my first Blood bowl game nearly all my Skaven died from their injuries... Dice gods were not with me that day. Meanwhile I'm doing...
Been doing some digging through the kits and I still have plenty to keep me busy, then I found my Stardrake, now what to do with said Stardrake....
Games Workshop are brining out a new boxset called Carrion Empire, Flesh Eater Courts vs Skaven. The name made me think of my own Rourvuk Carrion,...
Got some Fiends of Slaanesh built a few days ago, need to sit down and paint at one point. Got some miniatures to finish painting on my desk, so...
Someone over on the DakkaDakka forum pointed out something interesting about the Dankhold Troggoth kit, if you look closely at their thumbs they...
Another update from GW, this time showing off some of the Warscrolls This Troggoth though! [ATTACH] Spider screams fragile again.
Can't wait for the trolls, yep I also have the feeling they will be expensive. Imagining the Rockguts being about £40, the large Troll King being...
Others have been saying that you can run a troll-only army so happy days! Apparently it was mentioned in the lore video but I haven't watched it yet
Doing some eBay hunts at the moment, checking what I have of the Goblins. Got an Arachnarok Spider, some Squigs and Squig Herders, for other...
Love the new models but the Squig Hoppers just scream 'fragile' Some are okay but the ones that are on the thinner parts like the spore clouds...
Would be a shame but that is just me :p Nothing wrong with hordes of Squigs so I can go with that also. Should really get around to painting them...
I'm hoping that the Gloomspite Gitz will have an option on taking Trolls/Troggoths as battleline, then I do have my Squigs also.
Apologises for the dark photos, it's dark and drizzling over where I am this morning. Got the second base nearly done for the Carnifex, just need...
Toxin Sacs cause 1 additional damage for any 6+ to wound rolls in the Fight phase now, I think this can also affect vehicles now. The Hormagaunts...
Building a 1500 Tyranid point list with one of the detachments. Got 183 left to spend. So far I have I have a Hive Tyrant, Broodlord, two...
Looks like they are teasing once again [ATTACH]
Built some Pestigors with their command and pretty happy with their models. Well it's a simple clean and slot into the base with needing the...
This is all very interesting stuff! Makes me wonder if I should take my previous Destruction homebrew army and use them for this instead, how I...