Yeah they would obviously need a few changes as well to make them viable.
Sure, that's the idea. It would be a unique thing in AoS. If Saurus Warriors were to be stronger (two wounds and a better save or something) and...
That looks really stunning!
Maybe they should make Warriors a bit stronger but give them a certain danger of going rampage, like in the Total War game (and I guess that is...
Nice background as well, with the Steggy and the Saurus dudes. :)
Don't let the low base stats of our troops fool you. We are a synergy based army, they get a lot better if supported by the right heroes. For...
For me it is the fear of hurting the bugs/spiders. I catch some of the bigger or sturdy ones (there is a species of small black bugs here, you can...
If you want really tiny stars and struggle to paint them, you could "flick" them on. Basically: put white color on a toothbrush or something...
Great work!
Very cool bases! :)
Both Bastiladon versions can be effective. I tend to prefer the solar engine but that is because it fits my play style better. As for your...
Ok. That's a bit sad, it would have been awesome and kinda fitting for the most powerful Jedi that ever lived.
Is that the Spanish one?
Welcome to Lustria! :)
I think the simulator is in the destroyed AT-AT but that is merely something I read on the Internet. I have not read that book. At this point I...
Not much time right now to post, just a short post about two things: - Rey's pilot skills: The novelization of TFA explains that she has...
Nice shield and weapon design! :)
I do! :)