As much as that would create a far superior program (and how I don’t want to steal your thunder!) I think I would struggle with doing that. The...
I believe I have fixed the problem if you want to give it another try (by the way, it will accept abbreviations like se for solar engine if you...
Here is my Age of Sigmar battle simulator for you all to enjoy. The concept is simple - just input the size of the units, what the units are (yes,...
Great looking models!
Love the two schemes on the Rippers - definitely fits their lethal style! As for the conversions, they look fine to me and besides, the only...
Looking great!
It definitely isn’t ideal. There has to be plenty of other interesting rules they can create that don’t just consist of ‘Most Recent Release: This...
In terms of sharing the code, I’m more than happy to do so, but I don’t think I’d want to make the core project itself collaborative. Lots of the...
I guess we’re just going to have to hope the points costs are as painful as the damage capacity. Or with a bit of luck, we’ll have the next...
I like how the two people complaining about her here are the two people who have explicitly stated that they have not seen the film! You know most...
It’s not so much people getting hold of the code and editing it that I don’t want. By the looks of things the file I’ve posted is now independent...
Ylthari herself has also got the keyword Thornwych, which doesn’t exist anywhere else yet, so that would make sense. Still, might be worth trying...
Looks awesome, especially the shield!
I’m planning on starting on Warhammer Underworlds by getting Mollog’s Mob and the Sepuchral Guard. Because of this, I was flicking through the...
Can’t wait to see how the Astrolith Bearer turns out. Looks brilliant!
We all should feel this way. It’s logical and it makes sense. We would probably end up regretting the other. However, when it comes down to the...
He’s funny, but I think he would swiftly become very annoying in person. Also, he was responsible for f***ings things up against Thanos in the...
Listen with some good headphones if you can [MEDIA]
That's absolutely brilliant! :D Can't wait to see how it turns out!