Impressive, most Impressive! For horde armies this will be a god send. ;)
Ok bud
Depends how fast you want them doing, my son has quite a lot of football coming up and my time is very limited at the moment, he's playing...
Shit a brick!!! Very nice filler ;)
@DeathBringer125 A fantastic deal
You can use hairspray to achieve the same results ;)
You need to do a tutorial on those feathers, they are amazing ;)
Looks good so far ;)
Nice to see you back Dan ;) Some nice stuff you have been busy :)
Nice looking mini's ;)
I love Arkhan so built around him, Skeletons, Black knights, spirit hosts, Wight kings and 3 Necromancers
I would get the Battletome for Nighthaunt first and see what she likes, loads of great models and options.
Well April was a waste, let's see if May is better. Will try to finish some gloom boys
Hello boys and girls and welcome to Let's Get Motivated - May 2019 This thread is too get us motivated each month into finishing projects that we...
Great stuff @Warden you really do put a lot of effort into your boards looking good ;)
£200 is a steal, you put it on ebay yet?
I'm English and I would love to learn Spanish.
We do try but it's you the members that make it special, so thank you all.