So basically people were blaming bad game design on the Tau players instead of blaming GW.
QFT. That's exactly what I wanted to say.
Tough match. Sadly the game was basically over when the FEC got the double turn in round two. I think you pretty much achieved the maximum you...
Good job! (In fact both look better than mine. :D )
The Sylvaneth already were one of the very mobile armies with the previous set of rules, interesting to see how they are further developed into...
Same here.
Nice dragon! Do you already have a concept for its base?
Yeah those are 6th Edition Skinks IIRC. Metal I think.
I would not add another unit. Because that way it stays a one drop list. And a one drop Shadowstrike is scary. Really scary. Unless your enemy...
As somebody who doesn't play 40K but has read and talked about it a lot already I do think that it is also bad reputation from earlier editions. I...
While I think that old Saurus all look kinda derpy, I do think that old Skinks look cute.
I also wish we had Jungle Swarms, the Skink Chief, and Oxyotl back. Well, maybe some day with a new Battletome.
The ones under "Lizardmen" are legacy models. They do have AoS warscrolls, but you will notice that they lack the Seraphon keyword, and they don't...
Fun thing: both of the actors are originally just stuntmen. Both characters are evil and don't speak much. They have quite some things in common. :)
My Slann powers show me a good looking army of yours in a very likely future. :)
Looking good! I like the red rope on the green dinosaur. I might steal that idea...
Star Trek is a good example. They made things like sexism, racism, different world views and political systems their topics, transporting it to...
Welcome to the forums!
Yes it is. :)
Cool ideas! About which voice they would choose: Maybe dependent on their profession. A Kenku working in a clothes store for mostly Elven/ Human...