I agree. Maybe they should have done something like letting cannon crews making an modified BS roll before they would be allowed to shoot, with...
RAW, certainly not, as others have proven quite clearly. Sounds like a good houserule though, it somewhat makes sense in the lore that screening...
Interesting to see First Contact so high, i never saw it before. I take its good.
This is an impossible question, i see the reboots as new movies entirely. I mean, the first reboot was great, but nothing really beats the Wrath...
Your lists looks pretty good. I wonder if going full denial might be even better, skink cloud style. Do you know the size of the table you will be...
It would completely and utterly overpowered,, if it came at the cost of nothing else.
This list sounds pretty strong. Nurgleprinces are not to be messed around with. This sounds bad. Reservoir is not that great already, even more...
Sounds good! I sadly live in the Netherlands, so NY is not around the corner exactly. Too bad!
Wow, it seems that my ideas have taken root even by the great Scalanex, haha ;). This and this again. And once again, let us know how stuff went!
Slann - w/ Wandering deliberations, harmonic convergance & reservoir of eldirtch energy + standard of discipline + channeling staff. Thoughts:...
Looks like a fun, close battle. The cold one knights really did work, even though you did not even really tool up your Scarvet. Seems like the...
Triumph and Treachery is so much fun, i sadly only ever got to play 2 games of T and T, it is a great mix of people trying to be competitive and...
Welcome back! I hope my late response is better than nothing ;). Why take the Biting Blade in combination with a shield? You will not get parry...
My inclination is to say that the general reverts back to his own leadership. It is something that, interestingly, the rulebook covers, the...
I think monsters are generally underpowered in 8th. Infantry got buffed and most monsters can't hack through Steadfast. When i think of strong...
Wow, that is very strong. Interesting how an item that sounds so weak when you first read it, is actually great. How many slaves does it cost...
Cool! I am from the Netherlands, so perhaps when the stars align ;). And this makes me want to try Krox sometime. I never really did try them,...
Sounds like a nice tournament, with a not too competitive setup. I mean, i have not met any competitive ogre player that did not play the cannon...
Seems decent, even though you have opted for some off-beat builds. Scar Vets on Cold ones should imho have a Great Weapon for S7 and a Dawnstone,...
Never tried him, but never had a reason to do so. Better ward save seems neccesary to fix him, and a decrease in points.