I... uh... sorry I had a brain fart there. What I meant is the meteor, but it isn't that great against hordes, except if you only need a wound or...
Good point. A few of the endless spell really mess with hordes, too.
Agree with the others. Krox are (sadly) not worth it in any numbers if you have alternatives. Our best anti horde weapons are - The two new anti...
Man, that's grim. I kinda like it though. It would make them pretty much longer types though, no such thing as an Ogre camp (unless that kind of...
Welcome! :)
I think you have a point there. They just cannot make our units more powerful while still keeping the game mechanics the way they are. The...
Oh and btw I am pretty sure the new Ossiarch models solve at least one, maybe two rumor engine pictures.
Hmmmmmm..... So, what could an "Astrolithic Skyshrine" be? (The name appears on some customs record, dug up here:...
This. Very much. At this point I'd rather admit that I am/was wrong than searching for what I mean. A few times this, I admit I got annoyed....
Nice paint scheme!
Oooh, I just read some brand new Star Trek news! Picard will "air" (yeah, not really, you know what I mean) on January 23th (USA, some CBS...
Sadly the models are not produced anymore.
I like the first one better, he has a skull face. The second one has the weird face but that can fe fixed I guess (I would have to see the sprues...
Haha, good one! :D Edit: especially if you consider what Zeus is obsessed with and how it relates to Ducks' special body traits compared to...
Welcome! Looking forward to seeing your models. :)
I think you might have overdone the details with all the horses, but I don't spot anything I don't like. As for the centaurs: I think they were...
Oh yeah! :)
Dammit, I wanted to make that joke! :D