Well it's been a while since the last update, been working on this the past few days. Complete with a pose, the amount of tutorials I went through...
When I read the article about them, seeing about the Butchers and similar units, it made me think of them with large meat grinding monsters that...
Reading about the Ogors got me thinking of an idea, but it would require a lot of kitbashing to create some monsters.
Many thanks!
Dusting off the thread again, need to keep up more. Have some written teasers, deciding to write it now before I forget. Age of Sigmar teaser...
Back from Armies on Parade, took 3 years! 3 years to finally enter! And won a few categories also, 3rd place on personal pick from the Store...
Today is Armies on Parade day, just behind my one is a Seraphon one [ATTACH]
So currently thinking on expanding on the Vampire Counts army, of course there isn't many models to add on or in the collection available from GW....
Sitting here thinking what to add to the ever growing collection of miniatures and I just remembered I want to carry on with the Vampire army,...
Time for some mail. Love the magazine, lovely art and full of those glorious Lizardmen name puns. [ATTACH]
All the miniatures ready for the board, working on the board the past few days. It's a shame cause it feels like I could of done more, maybe next...
I tried to see if they had anything else, only some Space Marine books on sale. They also had a Beastgrave box and I hope it's still around when...
Scored a Spiteclaw's Swarm in a toy shop for £9, should be building later hopefully.
With the new Orruk book coming out it makes me think of doing that mix of the models, Maw-Krushas with Bonesplitter units. Already got a...
Thought of showing what is being worked on for Armies on Parade [ATTACH] Two Lords of Change, a Cockatrice, 3 familiars (two of the fish and one...
Just did some checks and a few other existing Warscroll cards have the faction vs something but the Saurus do look very interesting in this one,...
Went to my local GW to pick up some spray and another kit, I wasn't sure what to go with. I ended up going with another Lord of Change in the end,...
Lord of Change nearly finished, just needs a few more touch-ups and the base needs finishing. Thinking on what else to add to the board, so far...
Hmmmm, I might take the bird skeleton guy off the Mortarch and do some greenstuff work and he will fit nicely in with the Rourvuk Carrion. The...