There are even faster ones. Some sniper rifles exceed mach 3, which has some really nasty effects, even with small calibers. I was trained to use...
The weird thing about Star Wars weapons is that they are super sloooooow compared to modern firearms. So I kinda understand why they have huge...
Yeah I'll be honest: In my little free time I am mainly busy with D&D. There is some synergy with Warhammer as we are planning to try out playing...
Thanks for the explanation!
No work really planned this month. Too busy.
Growing indeed! That last one is big. :)
Almost missed that post. Awesome work as always!
Nice work on all of those!
Pure gold!
Excellent use of cheap material!
In some cases magic is viable now, or at least more viable than it was before the GHB2019, but I'd still say that in many cases summoning is more...
Soo.... what's the deal about those arks? What makes them so hard to kill? With that I mean: Harder than some fortress on land with a decent...
Those are very nicely painted models, thanks for sharing!
I have one of those as well (not used for models though). We have it standing near a wall but not attached to it either, I'd say it is reasonably...
Man, I'd love to see a box with Seraphon against Bonesplitterz... [ATTACH]