TTS = Tabletop Simulator. Online game with a Age of Sigmar plugin where people currently have done multiple tournaments since the corona virus....
Seraphon has been doing rather well on the TTS lately. Basically bound endless spells are bent (as predicted, the design is not good) and shooting...
So it seems like anywhere on the social media (twitter, facebook etc.) we have already been labelled "Tzeentch v2", "next broken OP army" due to...
Honestly Celestant-Prime looks quite interesting for a heavy hitter to clean up a serious threat in turn 3 and onwards. Keep him in the sky until...
You could be in a situation where you have engaged with multiple units of Saurus warriors/knights. 10” within is a rather large bubble. But yeah,...
The only reason to not bring Skink Handlers is against abilities like horde spells that lets your opponent roll additional dice depending on the...
Burning Head for a shooty list for sure. Azyros could be a thing for Saurus lists though, with his move even keeping up with Knights is no issue.
The deep strike seems alright, although it feels largely all-in ish to me. Like you teleport the Slann and drop loads of Salamanders to nuke...
“That guy” usually refers to a person abusing really strong units. I dont think anyone would ever see a guy playing Stegageddon in a negative...
Did you get anything out of the deepstrike ability? Or did you just pick Draco for double spell and artefact?
Yeah I see loads of potential. Question is if summoning will be good enough so you pretty much always default to giving up 2 spells (1 each). This...
My issue with not placing the RSE within a deployment zone is that it seems like a waste of time, at least if you want to use the MW ability. It...
Just put the first 3 or 6 wounds on the Salamanders. If you fail battleshock you remove X amount of Skink Handlers. Edit: You will lose the...
Seems kinda pointless? Cant think of any real scenario where this would be beneficial.
I think Starborne is very good for even Saurus. As @LizardWizard said, -2 rend is pretty significant in this current day and age. I also think...
100% Underworld Warband. Ironjawz was also teased a new Warband not too long ago. Seems like a new season is underway.
I like the list alot on paper, although Im unsure how it will be on the actual table. You dont have the CP refunding that Koatl gives, but you do...
To you guys that back these, do you actually play on the table? The detail and all seems great, I just feel like they stand out too much compared...
Pretty sure that is only warscrolls etc. FAQs dont get “outdated”, otherwise every new release would be a complete mess.
This definitely tilts me back to thinking it is a part of your army. Im wondering though, isnt the keyword Seraphon essential to be a part of your...