While i am still painting the ogors which seem to take foreever. [ATTACH] My two years old son decided to start painting. :dummy:[ATTACH] Here...
On the upcoming sunday our Meeting Engagement series starts again. It will be a small 16 players tournament. 4 Games, 4 of the 6 ME Battleplans....
One of the 4 sheets took me 5 seconds. The other 3 between 3 and 5 minutes each. No problem at all, just annoying. (You can leave the cork and put...
Finished all the mounts for the ME Ogors. 6 Modells - 1000 Points ;) Next Stop: a) the actual Ogors for the Army b) 5 DE cold ones c) start my...
Next version (changed the non lit parts below the eyes) : Tell me what to change please. :) [ATTACH]
Better? [ATTACH]
It is ~6cm.
Thank you :). I'm practicing OSL for my upcoming necrons. :D [ATTACH] If you could give me some criticism and help i would appreciate it.
Yes it is a sewing machine bag produced by a German company called w6. (20€ for the bag, fits really tight.)...
Welcome. :) I did a simple fire theme to make it look decent in different armies. Red -> lighter Red -> Orange -> Yellow -> White (drybrushed)...
Finished the things today: 1) Gametracker (I used the same materials that were used for the objective markers. A dicetray will be next.) [ATTACH]...
Isn't that the case for every top army? I feel every Idk / OBR / DoT army looks the same with very few (if any) iterations.
It took me 6 days to finish the first stonehorn. I think i can't finish the second one before Kroak arrives next week. [ATTACH]
I have played quite some games an a 2/3 table with 1000 points (meeting engagement) and won a lot of them with Kroak + Astrolith he is almost...
Thank you. :oops: While waiting to recieve my Lord Kroak i hope to finish two stonehorns for my 1000Points ME Ogor army. [ATTACH]
I'm intimidated :eek:. [ATTACH]
After having played about 10 Meetings over the last weeks, i found this list to be my first go to list for a competetive environment. Allegiance:...
Played some games this weekend. So i only made little progress with my painting. Just done one more endless spell. (The purple sun was not worth...
Done :cigar: [ATTACH]
Did the next endless Spell and startet the howdah. [ATTACH]