Alot of combat things can be avoided or played around - You can prevent yourself from getting charged by a Terrorgheist and instead ensure you get...
Prayers dont shut down your opponent in the same way that +3 boardwide unbind does and in general they dont have the same kind of impact on the...
But that is my point - The choice is completely removed from my opponent since it is +3 and boardwide. He cant do anything to limit the impact or...
I mean it doesnt even have to be at a high level. People at my club are expressing that it is incredible frustrating to play against a +3...
Yeah I get that they were created by the Old Ones and all that - I just boiled it down to "cool magical frogmen". I still dont think that means...
I always seal my models once they are painted (painting is easily the least enjoyable aspect of the game for me, so there is no risk of wanting to...
Cant you just measure the front and push the remaining up behind them? Never had an issue with not measuring distance on every single model
I dont really see whats wrong with magic the way it currently is? The only thing I dont like is how Kroak can be +3 to unbind AND be boardwide. I...
I can PM you my address, just let me know when its done. :D
Im kinda sad I didnt mix Kroaks left side with the Slanns right side = Double up on buddies. One could be his mummified previous nanny and the...
Guards are honestly pretty insane for what they do. I dont think theres any other unit in the game that can simply pass off wounds on a 2+. Most...
I dont think artillery will cut it. People can just bring 4x3 Sallies instead of loads of singles. Will it really have enough of an impact?...
Since the GHB20 doesnt include points from Cities of Sigmar/Orruk Warclans and onwards, it is pretty safe to assume it was written prior to...
I wouldnt be surprised if this is yet another thing where the community just says "no thanks" after a couple of test games. We literally never...
I think if you look isolated at each of the big 3 we have in our book (Kroak, Salamanders and Bound Endless Spells) it is difficult not to expect...
Practice makes perfect. I think we all forget sometimes about staying within range of certain buffs, but I feel that you learn from your mistakes....
This guy has been making the same kind of "cards" for pretty much every AoS faction. I used them a lot for my Orruk Warclans to great effect,...
Im just sat here holding my breath. I have no idea how hard they are gonna hammer us. I could see point increases for Kroak, Salamanders and bound...
It is because these arent the final ones - See below from warhammer community article about the GHB20. [ATTACH]
Seems they forgot that little magical sentence at the end of the command abilities once again. ;)