It's almost like GW is trying to encourage a certain kind of playstyle. Hmmm.... ;):rolleyes:
Hi @Dakka Mek. Really nice work. Have I already asked what colors you're using for your bastiladons? If not, then what colors? They're really...
[IMG] It looks like there will be some lore, or a story, about the Realm of the Heavens. Next is the Seraphon lore and updates (fingers crossed)....
By the way, if anyone hasn't read the Chronicles of Prydain series, I recommend them. They're young adult and quick to read. Very familiar themes...
I just realized that the Miao Ying, the Storm Dragon has almost the same name as one of the love interests from Big Trouble in Little China, Miao...
That's unfortunate... :(
Ha ha ha! The flying iron... so good.
Aside from a the two minis carrying a blood bowl ball (and maybe the Khorngors), these models could pretty much slot right into your Khorne army.
When GW revealed both Warhammer+ and the AoS app, I guessed warscrolls would get put into one of those. Likely behind a paywall. I hope not, but...
The White Rider!
Does GW ever reveal, or tease, new models in White Dwarf?
I'm afraid it will probably have to be kitbashing. Most of the Underworlds models are push fit and single pose.!
Thanks @NIGHTBRINGER. That was quick. I was trying to swipe some pics, too. To be fair, I do like the "mancatcher" ork.
Ha ha ha. I was flat wrong on my guess for the most recent Rumor Engine pic (the sword on the characters back). I thought it would go with the new...
New Underworlds edition and models. I really like the SCE sculpts but I'm not a big fan of the ork models. EDIT: Here are SCE pics. Kruleboyz...
I don't generally like the new coherency rules. But I'll hold back any real frustration until I see if more flying units are allowed this wider...
Congratulations @Lizards of Renown! A very good story.
A good friend of mine got several of us back into GW when Underworlds started. The first taste is free, ha ha. Now we play AoS. I didn't really...
Agreed. The lion heads on the sword's hilt feel more SCE. I think this is a pic to go along with the recently revealed celestial hawk for...