Really cool writeup, sounds like a great game! About the Curse of the Bad Moon, idk, i think the reroll a dispell attempt Discipline is very good...
Welcome back Scaly! I hope you will join us when TOW drops, i am interested to see what you think of the rules. I will def be in for writing...
You think? I really dissagree, IMHO 8th worked totally fine for 2K-2.5K games, 3K games are few and far between anyway. And it looks like TOW is...
Looks like they are really trying to recreate the game from the articles. My hype levels are increasing..
I mean i loved magic just as much as the next guy, but it probably was too strong. Especially the Magic Vortexes were sometimes literally game...
All the new info is here And here!...
The new video is pretty interesting. Seems they have cut the magic phase and put all the spells in different phases. Looks like we are really...
You are completely right, i guess i am getitng used to Battlescribe telling me whenever i am doing wrong. Not getting 50% on Lords/Heroes is a...
With the info you gave, i would go for this: ++ End Times (Lizardmen - Army Book (2013-8) -V8.8.0.) [1,497pts] ++ + Uncategorised + - Army...
What models you have, what does he usually bring, of would you want something of all comers?
I mean it could. If you would want that to be true :). Just do not expect super fast replies,, i sometimes take,,, years. I guess i am a bit...
Old grumbler energy intensifies ;). Don't think that will happen though, would really annoy a lot of people.
I guess we have pretty different perspectives. After whfb literally died in my area outside of AoS, which i won't ever touch with a 10 foot pole,...
You totally can play our army though, they mention in the article that they have a free pdf for legacy support. I mean, that is not as good as a...
I I mean, sure, if you have a group to play 8th with. In my country, the Netherlands, 8th is fully dead now. I hope TOW will be a reinvigoration...
No VC is strange yes, certainly. Especially if you do have Khemri. Probably they like the Egyptian flavor more as a different flavor than just...
Pretty big announcement! I do get that they focus on 9 factions, focussing on all of them is a pretty big ask. I rather have 9 good factions...
Idk about this, 2023 seems sketchy at best. 10th is still a few months away, i would not be surprised if GW has 10th as the big release for 2023,...
I am not quite sure if i agree on this. These are AoS models, so they are supposed to be looked towards for AoS usability. I agree they do not...
Look like a great game! The pictures were also pretty nice, you both have pretty armies, and the ammount of pictures made it actually a lot easier...