Hmmmm... So is fleeing skinks a big problem? I guess I assumed they would just rally next turn like space marines, maybe that was foolish xD
Re-direct eh? Fleeing from assaults? Doesn't the guy go first who places all his units first? Well, I can justify a few conversions if the...
Ah so 2x3 salamanders then. I must have missed that rule. It only applies to rare? More terradons huh, I'll look around for that math thread. I...
Lizard discussion sounds great to me! Here's the promised army list thread: /Lizardmans
Hey guys, I just joined today and this is my first serious look at making a WHFB army. I've looked through the rulebook once or fifteen times but...
Thanks! I'm working on a 2000pts list and will throw it up sooner or later. How active are the discussions on here compared to the bigger forums...
This looks a lot like what I've been tinkering with. However I'm completely new so it may well be useless. How do you plan to keep the slann...
Well, it's time to start a proper fantasy army and I'm going with lizards of course. This looks like a good place to start so here I am. You guys...