I have a few slaan questions i hope someone can answer. First if slaans a bsb and runs does he auto die.and second can he use transformation of...
Lord: Slaan, cupped hands, bsb, general. Disc discard 6s, loremaster, free power dice, standard of disc 460pts Old blood, armor of...
Bloodcrushers are nasty.Also the gorebeast chariots being strength 6 tough 6 and nurgly.The biggest problem i would say is tough 6 stuff.Unless i...
Hopefully the rumors of sept. Lizardmen Codex is true because im finding it difficult to match up to either daemons or warriors of chaos. Im...
Oldblood : general , cold one , glittering scales , talisman of preservation , potion of foolhardiness. Priest Lvl 1 : dispell scroll 20 Saurus...
how about Slann disciplines can they repeat if u took 2 slaans
i usually just run lore of light.therefore if u charge your up 3 already hopefully do one wound and then your up four. have had success against...
I came up with this build has had a bit of success Slaan BSB , War Banner, Fencers blades,Crown of Command,Amulet of Itzel. Disc, higher state ,...
cool ty for the input
Does the sword of antiheroes count your characters too. Says plus one strength and attack for every character in base contact