so any one have an idear when we are due our 2nd wave or releses? and what they will be?
id slap a contrating coulor on the flapy bit on his head, im practacly sure thats what its for!
this is my frendly list i use to play agains my friesn, he mainly plays WOC, let me know what you think chil'ax'e'ma'xe..467 slann focused...
just to be even more annoyingly agumetative, he can still go in the fron rank of other units..... but as you say it clealy intended to be able...
maybe a desinated skink driver will be in order
its something that confused me, and i just wanted to play the naysayer and see how other peope justerfy it, i wont argue that the spirit of the...
it says he can still act normaly as bsb ect, and normal behavior for a bsb is to only give these benifits to his unint during combat if hes in...
sitting at my desk today i reliesd that i didnt acculy have to do this, as i made a pefectly good palanquin for the skink SC but nevr got in to...
i might be missing something, but if you have a slann in the middle of a block of TG, they will gain no benifit, right? as the slann is in the...
ebay is your best bet
has any one seen any costom hover chairs for the big toad man? im geting a forgworld one from ebay soon, and needed idears for a costom chair or him
dammit i tottaly missed that. and i think when some people make passive agresive snips it make thm look like twats, as politnes never cost you...
were does the armor save come from? i thought they didnt get one from mostros mounts?
how does this work? can the priest back down? or does he have to fight? how do you deal with this? ive bin playing as he has to fight, and he...
im sorry but theres only one way to name a lizy, and thats a bad pun. the lizards have a rich history of this. itzy bitzy any one? so just think...
your best bet is to pin it, take a small dill and mae a hole in eace pice and stick in a bit of a paper clipn then add super glue and voila, it...
i think you would have to really go to town on them, i think you best bet would be to tottaly redo the mounts as a really jumpy type of raptor,...
i like kroxigors but i refuse to spend about £12 on one. its stupid. a small unit for 36 quid? no way! has anyone else found and other modles that...
the smell? oh boy are you missing out. try tasting them. im of the school of thought were a little lip action helps a brush along....but after my...
sorry did i mis spell? imjust heavaly disllexik, wich is btw a horid word to spell lol.andfunny enough when i googled "bild" it was brithish...