I never used the Chieftains BS, because that was a cheesey and ridiculous tactic to me, so I don't see anything that truly makes the Steggy so...
Not really, no. I try to click another color, but the evil side always clicks "bright green" cause its the most annoying. So sorry. Do you...
I'll add a little to what was already said. The spears are definitely worth it. It allows you to use them when needed, or use HW and shield when...
Always buy the spears. You are not required to use them if you need the extra save from parry, but it is a nice option to have!
Yeah, especially since they are no longer ST7, taking warriors just seems like a better option. They may not hit as hard, but you have rank...
I don't have much to add. Everyone pretty much covered it. I totally agree that the best lores are Metal, Fire and Heavens. Metal is especially...
I'm glad to hear that others have had good luck with their skinks. Since they dropped the scout rule, I am finding them to be less and less...
I think the FAQ answered all the questions correctly. Every answer given was exactly the way I already played, so it was nice to have it...
No, you weren't insulting at all. And I can see your point. In some ways, we seem to agree. Your math was solid, but I would only argue that...
I am having a little trouble justifying the use of these guys. My first three games with them have not yielded very good results. The issue I am...
I think we need to stop playing mathhammer and actually use the units a few times before making assumptions and declarations about their...
I am going to go against the grain here and state the Salamanders are awesome in certain situations, but Razordons are also worth the cost as...
LOL. I DO play Lizardmen! Or I wouldn't be here. ;) And yes, the third die helps a lot! 'course my last game, the skink priest on EotG...
You and I MUST play a game - it will be hilarious! Scenes from my last game with my Dark Elves: 1) Assassin pops out and attacks Warrior...
Just because the attack isn't done in the shooitng phase doesn't mean it's NOT a missile attack. It might not be, but we can't be sure with GW at...
Technically, it says that any attack made in the shooting phase is a missile, but the reverse isn't inherently true. It doesn't say things done...
I agree. Most Lores are not overpowered by themselves, but every Lore has at least one spell that can be very abusive and/or dangerous....
Nice thought, but you can't. Models attack in initiative order, so one of them has to go first (it may well be the carnosaur), but you cannot...
Yes, I agree with that. But if the whole unit is ITP, it doesn't matter either way, as the big deal was losing combat and being outnumbered by a...
Terror is always better than fear. But being immune to psychology, does your TG really need it?