Skinks. More skinks. Skink chief on steg with a ward save.
Thanks for all the feedback and discussion. I played a game a couple of weekends ago with a modified list. I ended up dropping 10 Skinks to beef...
Elementalism is very good, and may be "better" than High Magic. I voted High Magic because my heart demanded it. Let's talk some assumptions and...
Sure is a lot of talk about dragons without any mention of magic in here :P For all those favoring elementalism, does it just come down to the...
Hello all, I am looking to get my first learning game of TOW this weekend. Here is my list, and I welcome any thoughts or feedback you would be...
Have you had a chance to run your list yet? How was no magic at 1k? How were the double stegs? How as the new age cowboy? Any insights would be...
I would put together two 600 pt lists. Make sure both armies can participate in some way in all phases of the game. Try to provide just enough...
I have recently acquired a friend's Lizardman force who can no longer fulfill the will of the Old Ones. I am a recent Fantasy convert, as well,...
Re: Dice Pledges saga - Wound Marker - 4 - Scarab Scarlet saga - Artillery Pips - 1 - Lustrous Shadow saga - d3 - 1 - Scarab Jade saga - Lizard...