What about skink chief with BSB using the jaguar standard to give a stegadon swift stride?
My first round against the skaven that were attaching me I had last night . Here was his list: 45 Slaves 45 Clan Rats 45 Plague Monks Lord:...
I am taking my lizards to battle in an 8 week long campaign setting vs 8 other opponents. I will be using this space to post a few updates on my...
Sorry about that. I am posting from my phone and think I may have hit back too many times.
Here is what I have: 16 Saurus Warriors 24 Skinks 10 Temple Guard 1 Skink Priest All added up with no upgrades it is about 500 points. Now...
Hi there! Last week my girlfriend decided high elves were pretty and that we had to start playing warhammer fantasy. (I have played 40k for a...