Been here for a week and it was nice. But for me (i say: for me) this forum is moderated too narrow. Afraid of something that might happen...
It looks good but to really get the 'finished' look you should finish the base and especially the base edges. Base edges tend to really finish...
When i click links in this forum, it does not open up a new page but uses the current open page. This is one of the few forums that work this way....
Water is plain black with some green colours mixed in on the sides. Left to dry and then a simple finish of gloss varnish on top does it. The...
My opponents till now only cry: "I hate magic". Before the new armybook i never went magic heavy. Now with the new book and a Slann that can walk...
It all changed a lot when the rule for allowing skirmishers to march even within 8" of enemy unit was changed to the unified rule 'no marching...
That's the crap with GW. They tend to only open stores in big towns and forget about the medium sized towns and villages. The most common way to...
I printed mine a 50% smaller. They now are about 4cm x 7cm. That way i can also use them to put them near or on a unit (without them ruining...
Flashes tend to make things look rather bright. On the battlefield the colors look quite allright. I made my Lizardmen quite colorfull. Because...
Yes, but that was because they also provided the datafiles. There's still a difference between commercially and non-commercially providing...
I used to have some pages about my Warhammer hobby. But due to moving to another internetprovider i lost them and i did not have backups. So this...
Watching and collecting movies. Only originals, no copies. :meh: My dvd-list
They're technically illegal, so you can't really ask for them on the forums since it breaches GW IP laws. I'm going to have to lock the thread. I... ... d=11100007
The washes are great. (I never used Inks cause they give a shiny finish) You'll need some practice how to use the washes. You don't always have to...