Made a short explainer video on why taking a low lvl wizard in The Old World is probably a bad idea. What do yall think? [MEDIA]
I honestly have not found ethereal to be a real issue. I guess only the Green Knight is a real issue, but he is going to be also if you take magic...
Definitely is, thought you mean the teleport range. It definitely is limiting but i have found i can make it work. It is also definitely that the...
First off, it is 12 inches and not 9, that is a pretty big difference. Now combine that with Basties only needing a sliver of line of sight to...
Thanks for the kind response! I really like TMP for Basties, that makes it so imho you can get them where they need to be and Rust is just great...
Maybe? I feel that against good lists you definitely need ethereal to stay alive. I mean nice if you have damage spells, but a Slann can die from...
Cool, thanks! I do not think ignoring magic fully is a real viable option. You lack the LD9 the Slann brings and you have no more decent dispels....
Made some content on our favorite lizards, do let me know what you think! [MEDIA]
I think you do need a Slann for the LD9 and his leadership bubble. LD8 without Cold Blood is pretty bad. I usually run him with Higher State of...
Very nice model btw, looks cool. I do understand you would want to make that model work ;)
I mean, if I see people make rules mistakes and then also not acknowledging that rules mistake i get pretty suspect yes if people know the rules....
How did you salamanders do well. You know they cannot march and shoot right,, that is what makes them trash? Also them missing like half of their...
Rule of 2 is pretty annoying for us, but i guess it is rough for anyone. I do like to run Chameleons even in hard rule of 3 environments, can...
Looks interesting for sure. Only clear upgrade i can see is less Saurus and 3 units of 10 Skink Skirmishers. It is our best unit by far, every...
You totally can. Stupidity however is a big downside, and tbh, i think Cold One Riders are one of our worst units, especially if you start decking...
Looks like a cool game! I kinda like your Oldblood build, i just default to ToP but if you have 15 points left the Glyph Necklace is actually a...
Makes zero sense to me. It is a downgrade what it is.
Why am i now a SALAMANDER while first is was a BASTILADON?!
I kinda feel like they went for a more old school style of formatting and writing the rules that is really kinda biting them in the but now. I...
I mean, those tournaments can be very fun as well. I find it most important when you go to an event is that you know what you are going to get....