I don't think RAW they even can use general LD. Salamanders are warbeasts and their troop type prevents them from it (no reroll from BSB either).
I think it is far from autoinclude. Hitting with S5 with no AP is not what we have saurus leaders for. They are one of few answers we have to...
Hi, nice list of models. As you said you should get more core so saurus, saurus guard and skinks. For 2000 points something like 25 saurus, 25...
Some errors there. Bastiladon with Ark of Sotek can't ressurect Jungle Swarms, it just heals them, and Eotg is a 25 points upgrade. Also, I...
Well, you can't cast through an Arcane Vassal if he is in combat, so the restrictions on "Self" spells are irrelevant in this case. One may also...
What about Necromancy with Lore Familiar? Unquiet spirits, Spiritual Vortex, Curse of Years and Spirit Leech. One spell reduces M, WS and T. One...
I think I generally agree with your pros/cons list. It's also worth mentioning that Slann is a Large Target which is a big deal, as 18 inches of...
Slann cannot join any Lizardmen units. That's because he has Fly special rule which says that characters with Fly can only join units which have...
Yes, Slann can cast apotheosis on himself. Also I don't think it is a bad spell. There aren't many healing spells in the game (none in the basic...
Write to GW, here is an email: oldworldfaq@gwplc.com To be honest I was thinking about it myself and asked this question already, but I feel the...
Hard to comment on this list. I think it will be hard to do something on the battlefield without more chaff units. Also the protection on scarvets...
So I've been reading the core rules and our hunting packs become even worse. Warbeasts have Undisciplined special rule which says that they cant...
Is there something I am missing or Salamanders and especially Razordons are now very mediocre? According to the FAQ breath weapons cannot be used...
Depends on the viability of Ethereal units.
I'm thinking about oldblood mounted on a cold one with blade of revered tzunki, talisman of protection and shield. He has 3+ save, 5+ ward, and 5...
These are all good combos. What do you mean by two handed weapon though? If great weapon then it is S+2 AP -2 and armour bane(1), so you do have...
Nevermind, in skirmishers rules it says that a character joining such a unit has to have the same sub-category of troop type.
Actually, I think he can join Terradons and Rippers which is weird.
Anyone else bothered by the fact that Slann cannot join any unit in the Lizardmen army? Range "Self" spells that affect units are thus much less...
Hmmm OK, but is there any rule that says that enemy attacks against max Ws of a single model? One can argue that we still take riders ws since...