Love these. They even look dusty. Like they have just risen from the sands.
Everywhere in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Hobbiton, the dwarven holds, Laketown, The elven realms, all the spectacular landscapes.
Battle Standard Bearer
At least it would be easy to get him something for birthdays and christmas [ATTACH]
And wood elves.! Just maybe they will re-release some of the old wood elf models that I should have but never did purchase. Elves I mean, not...
I don't know if you are aware but rocker/crooner Rod Stewart is a big train enthusiast. He has a spectacular city and rural train setup. He uses...
The Killer rabbit of Caerbannog
.... wait til they get opposable thumbs...then its world domination....
love it!
That's one piece of lego you wouldn't trad on!
Stalemate!. Neither knight can move so they are all trapped behind him.
Having had to work over Christmas and the New Year I have hardly had any time for the hobby. However I managed to finish this over 2 days. The...
They could have called him "Death to the West!"
Merry Christmas everybody. [IMG]
I can't even say " Aye Oh Ess". It burns my mouth
Triple LIKE on this one. Wait.... is that my inner dwarf coming out?....
Been there
Tabletop Minions do a review of this. Uncle Atom seems impressed.
Needs to come with a manual, Remember it's not plumbed in.....