So i will be facing vampire's very soon and im unsure how to deal with them. They seem to be very magic heavy as well having good melee guys.All i...
dont highelves go first even if we charge?
hate highelves :/ they get to go first -_-
I was looking at the feathered cloak, in my opinion it was my favorite layout. It gets him to the enemy fast, helps flank if need be, so many...
Thanks for some ideas, im thinking that puttting him with a unit of saurus with a good weapon could help
So who uses them, why do you use them and are they worth it? I know for multiple steggadons with the 2d6 +1 impact hits is good but other than...
well these are just the models i have, 48 skinks two saurus boxes, a stegadon with Eotg 10 temple guard the calvary, i did think of the terradons...
Alright from looking at the codex, it seems that ill win games from either crushing people in close combat with sheer force, or shutting down and...
glad i could help :D
Hello im pretty new to the fantasygame, been playing 40k since i was 14 and iv played in a couple light tournaments here and there. I just got a...