uh this website is set to NL, but im sure you can set it to your country somewhere https://www.ikea.com/nl/nl/catalog/products/50219044/
[IMG] still working on my little side project, before i go start on my skink priest, i tried some shading/highligts on the boots/pants and plate..
Lets see.. what do i have to update I moved away from the lizardmen i was painting, as the motivation sunk far beyond my reach, so I am painting...
his base is now black, i have not yet taken updated photos though that would be vallejo dark grey model air - RLM42 with some nuln oil
[IMG] WIP update on this 5 man unit! mostly small stuff and basing left
I backed this kickstarter too 1x saurian warlord 2x skink alpha 2x skink brave alphe 1x quatl and this should get m one free stretch goal...
ahh before the move my setup was very much like that, on our dining table. and every time we had guests (which was all too often) i would have to...
[IMG] this is my current setup, and my current wip is below in a link, because its really a simple WIP and nothing interesting yet...
thank you!
Hello Lustria! I am a lurker, who finally decided to post some stuff ive been mini painting for a little while now, and recently moved i decided...