Thank you very much! thats exactly the time of advice I needed !
Hello! I've painted older models before and had some prepainted one but I bought the Gwakamoli Gator Crators (the bloodbowl team) and would like...
Hello I have a good deal on a buch of older editions Lizzies. And I can finally start my Seraphon/Lizardman teams (I was waiting for Warcry!!!!) I...
Hello! Im more of a skirmish player (kill teams, frostgraves, xwings etc etc) I was htinking of starting an actual army but I started the hoby...
I see thanks. But all your answers made me think If this was actually usefull to buy or not. Forgetting those units I mentioned above. If I was...
So you think at 1k that would be viable? adjusting for the points ( taking the slan and razordons out?)
Thanks I would definetly go with the shadowstrike if I could get the ripperdactyls I also like the Eternal Starhost Do you think its viable? and...
I dont know the Firelance one, but its like the Dracothion's Tail 1500points on the main list thread right? (probably without the slan master?) I...
Hello, I wante to make a 1k army but without to many units ( to many would be like 60 models) I have sombody in my local group selling Saurus...
Hello Im new to the forum and to the Wargames genre . I was gonna start with a Seraphon warband, but I was thinking what would be best, I saw just...