Your games workshop store should actually have a table like that. Or their tables should be 4' by 8'. That they dont is actually really wierd....
As someone who played Greentide orks in 40k 7th edition (which sucked majorly). I would run that. Is there a rule of three in age of sigmar or is...
So as a new player to our wonderful scaley boys I need some clarification. Under the new fangs of sotek rule what gets the +3 to movement at the...
Bright side. I dont have to buy anything but the book and maybe a model or two for either army. I'm currently painting a speed waagh quickly so I...
I play both space wolves and orks in 40k. My wallet and soul are crying this month with all the preorders.
Well I'm screwed. I play both the armies coming out for 40k's PA, and I'm wanting to start with seraphon. There goes my wallet. Is the bastilodon...
Hey all, I've been debating getting into sigmar, and thought the little scaley guys were interesting, but have no idea where to start. I'm...