We are randomizing out of the GHB 2020 so there's an outside shot that the spearhead won't be starting although odds are they will. I think I'll...
Wish I had more knights but only have 5 unfortunately, you think it's worth moving the 5 knights to the main body or spearhead?
So had to make a slight change, thought I had 5 more Saurus Knights. Thoughts on this list? [ATTACH]
Think I'm going to give that list a shot Dreamkeeper!
Good to know, hopefully they get their app squared away with some of those units that are off. Honestly with the other 5 guard I was just looking...
Dreamkeeper I really like that list, one thing aren’t Salamanders considered artillery? They show up as that in my Azyr app.
Awesome guys thanks for the input. First game of AoS in quite sometime. I didn't realize CA couldn't be used on the ark so that kills that plan haha.
Hello all, I have my first meeting engagement coming up this week with Seraphon and was hoping to get some input on the following list: 990...