I would like to take a skink chief on terradon. But it isn't allowed. Pegasus knights aren't allowed either etc etc. What would be the best...
I don't know any more rules. The GM keeps its secret to surprise us.... The HE combo will be like; M8 so he outmove me S7 on the charge and...
Yeah i know, but i want to modify his AS as best as possible. I will change my shield for the enchanted shield so i get a 0+ save also. But how...
Hi all, We are playing a campaign and there will be a jousting tournament. So we all use one hero to battle each other. There are a few rules:...
That is absolutely not right. They will fight the first round of combat with 1 rank and after that with 2 ranks. (unless you play high elves, they...
That looks freakin good! Got some inspiration for my own carnosaur and priests ;)
That doesnt sound like great fun to play against. Last sunday i've played a game against a hard DE list (with my HE) but by turn 3 i already...