I'm working on that. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be. If anyone's got any government pull let me know.
So this may sound kinda dumb but when I was a wee one I accidentially invented my own holidays (booze helped too...not me though my dad and...
No salamanders. that entire unit including tyrion is immune to flaming attacks. Best way to stop him is to flank the unit and keep him out of...
Tough or fair?
Check the guidelines of the tournament if there are any. 2 Priests with eotg might have put you OTT. A lot of tournaments that size will not...
So I started playing lizards back in 5th ed but they've kinda been on the shelf for quite a few years. With the new book and models I've decided...
Dwarves, skaven, high elves, dark elves, beasts of chaos, and tomb kings are my other 6. Necrons and witch hunters for 40k. Gotta remember I...
Figured I might as well join a lizardmen forum so here I am. Lizardmen is one of my 7 fantasy armies but one of my oldest. Started lizardmen...