you took 2 itzi grubs
Thanks... moving around right now so can't start yet.... Does anybody know a good model (not GW) that would be a good start for a steg????
No, what i meant was that i heard (or thought i heard) was that the poisoning went from happening on a 6+ to happening on a 7+ if there are...
Sorry if i wasn't very clear.... what i meant was that i read somewhere that you can't poison skirmishers for the hit modifier that effects...
I like the idea of giving my BSB the war drum.... +1 leadership for rally and rerollable... Unless i missed something
With the slann you can also get the regenerate rule for extra protection from cannons while the carn can't...
I have a question about poison... In the rule book it says something about not being able to poison the enemy when it requires a 7+ to poison. My...
Just starting the hobby (played a little 40k but i really like fantisy better). I try to save money where i can with the hobby. Back on topic. I...
What are the dimensions for the steg????
First off, i don't agree with what i have seen of the FAQ. I check the rule book and it said that THE razordon does not fire that turn... so i...
I don't have the book with me right now but can kroak spam is one spell?? so wouldn't that mean that he could cast his 6" range version i don't...
Am going to attempt to scratch build a couple of stegs. to save money and because i am not to fond of the head of the stegs that games workshop...
don't have the army yet so was thinking about going with the battlion box. two main enemies are the dwarfs and wood elves. Dwarfs are propbably...
New here and this is one of my first lists. Based on cold one calvary because they take up points so will save me money :D General -Scar Vet.;...