have a look at this link from probably the best moldmaker in the buisiness Hirstarts http://www.hirstarts.com/moldmake/moldmaking.html describes...
have you tried using one of the U.K. bits companys ? http://www.modelbits.co.uk/ http://www.bitzbox.co.uk/ i have bought from both & service is...
ive been modelling over 30 yrs now & gave up on GW paints bout 15 yrs ago when they changed. i now use artists acrylics from my local art store...
http://www.amazonminiatures.com/ http://bitzbox.co.uk/ http://stores.ebay.com/Hoard-O-Bits http://stores.ebay.com/RED-DRAGON-GAMES...
looking really good yes a wash will lift them just watch u dont overdo it with reguards to varnish i been modelling over 30yrs now & except for...
very nice - looks like a lot of work went in to that
strewart re moulds moulds # 70 - 203 - 204 - 260 - 281 for lustria the pyramid moulds are not quite suitable but if u look at # 93 - 94...
you can purchase the hirstarts moulds from the UK they will ship to turkey they are definately worth it - i own about 12 of them and give a great...
i dont think it should be weathered as a ruin - if it is still being used as a spawning pool then the skinks would keep it in good condition...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far... NEW Wip Stegadon :) cheers - yeah that bronto looks really good
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far... NEW Wip Stegadon :) really nice looking army you have there i am asuming thats a brontosaurus in pic? any...
arsenal:-- the old mini u thinking of was the cockatrice from around early 1980 ish - it was a marauder mini designed by aly morrison if my old...
i have used the plastic terradons from "toys-r-us" here in the uk 20 dino models [4 terradons] for £12- they are a little bigger than GW but not...
to aiker - glad you amended your post - constructive critic is always good and appreciated and from your painting work you are a very good...
the painting looks fine - as for the "rough" texture it gives the lizards a look of scaly flesh i dont use GW paints either as i find they dont...
reguarding the mega paint set - it is definately not worth it i have been paintin n modelling for 30yrs now [almost an old blood] and there is no...
hi there just signed up im from largs on the ayrshire coast of scotland - older modeller 46 yr old - started playing warhammer in bout 1989 - dont...