That's what I thought, I just needed some confirmation. Bummer. Now we all need to figure out where to put our skink heroes. Am I the only one...
You may be thinking of tetto'eko whose rules explicitly state he cannot join a skrox unit. Being on the side of a unit is not the problem. The...
I have one doosy of a question for all the lizardheads out there. Keep in mind this is theory hammer at its best. Points of reference: 1. Per...
Hey cool, I'll probably see you in Salem!
I think that's exactly right. He doesn't benefit from the rule, but he can still join the unit.
It appears that is the case. Anyway, when playing among friends, who really cares anyway. We may just rule that he loses it while with a unit....
Is there a page number I could reference? The BRB Unbreakable section says that heroes that aren't unbreakable cannot join units that are....
I'm not sure if this has been covered before or not, but I thought I'd ask. I'm making a skink list for funsies to play against some friends....
Good points everyone. I feel like the list is solid. I have yet to playtest, buy I should get in some games soon. My Saurus are modeled with...
Here is the first list I plan on trying. I am somewhat limited by the models I had from 7th Edition. I plan on buying another box of Saurus to...
And I finished-- [attach] [attach] And I think I'll take you to bonus town. This is a Hellpit conversion I did for a friends army-- [attach]...
Well, here is my pledge from the other thread I pledge to whip up a nice big batch of tasty Night Goblins. And I finished-- [attach] [attach]...
Re: April Painting Pledge! Aprilsaurus nailed it. They are indeed tennis balls cut in half and turned inside out. The stems are wine corks....
It may be construed as sacrilegious but... I pledge to whip up a nice big batch of tasty Night Goblins
@ Gerdion Unfortunately, most of my plans were in my head. I do have some Google Sketchup Models, but those are on my other laptop, currently in...
Re: April Painting Pledge! Well I'm a bit late on the post but I did finish! + a nice rock pile. I love terrain... Also, Kudos to whoever can...
Re: April Painting Pledge! Also a bit late, but I've been on a terrain kick lately- I pledge to finish building and painting my 8 piece modular...
Well, March turned out to be a big fat fail for me. I only managed to paint one of the skink priests I promised, and started base coating my...
I've been doing well on finishing my pledges the last few months. My wife will be gone for half of this month and all of April so I'll have a...
I finished my original pledge plus an additional 21 saurus warriors. No picture this month, you'll have to trust me. Are we continuing in March?