Chill day painting a horde of skeletal horsemen [ATTACH]
It's a cool piece but my biggest gripe is that it doesn't have the Skink cohort ability. I think if it had that then it would be considered.
Well this took a lot longer to build than I had hoped :rolleyes: [ATTACH]
No... haha. She tolerates having to play and is willing to learn how to play but that is were the input ends :D Although given the game systems...
The Old World. Finally started on what will be my Wife's army :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Taking my time and trying to give them a high quality paint...
Well the Tournament has come and gone and the results are in. There was no dream 3 and 0 this time around however I did go 2 and 1 :D finishing 12...
Amazing! Also I love how you forgot about 18 Warg Riders :hilarious:
They've said somewhere that spell casting is done throughout the turn. Edit, I've quickly looked over the articles and couldn't see this...
If I had to choose I would lean more towards a Starseer the standard spell Mystic shield is always nice to have and spell denial is also a plus....
I got in a practice game against my wife. My list was quite different from my other lists that I have tried, focusing on more Saurus Warriors and...
I really don't know why they have picked 900 points, a 1000 points is more of a standard game size. Also at 1000 points matched play you require...
I will have a guess at 45 Euros, matches with what is currently available on the GW store. I am very curious as to how much the pieces coming to...
Hey welcome to the Jungle! Interesting points limit not sure why they would go for that over 1000 points but to each their own. It doesn't...
Probably, the Mawpit was made as a standalone purchase at some point.
Feels like a long time since I've updated but fear not, I have been busy both in assembling the army and practicing playing against my fellow...
Ooh nice! I would say that is a worthy army to break it for ;)
The Aggradons assembled [ATTACH]
Well that was wonderful really nice guy and a lot of fun to play with. Let's start with what I learnt about my list, Alpha strike Aggradons are...
The first practice session has been scheduled for tomorrow 29th of February. It is against someone who I've not met yet but was introduced to by...
It has happened, I have finally grown confident enough as a person to sign up for a 32 player Age of Sigmar tournament :D. This is my first time...