Wow no one wanted to tell if I painted my new guy wrong or that he is the best painted thing ever!!!!! I'm glad and depressed at the same time...
i finally finished my cold one and here it is: [attach] [attach]
Hello again after my previous topic I got a box set of 24 skinks and now I have 3 squads of 10 skinks in a unit and I have a squad of 6 chameleons...
i finished modelling my base i didnt paint it but it will look sick!!!!! I will be finish the whole model by tomorrow but im going to take a...
i got a idea for the base im thinking of adding an ancient look like pyramids and add lizardmen writing on it and painting it like the light brown...
well my scale are adeptus battlegray then i mixed 1/2/3 adeptus/ skull white/ water then i put it on random scales to make it look dry in spots...
Thx for the help i really need that :D
for the horns i did a basecoat of calthan brown then feathered vomit brown next i feathered bleach bone and finish with skull white.
If u dont like how it looks use nail polish removal it will take the paint off fast but use a brush to take it off.
Right now i dont have much done but i have 4 models complete but i still have a lot more and here are some pics: [attach] [attach] [attach]...
i dont no on how to paint it red but i no that its easier to have the model in three peices like the stegadon, crew, and the howdah its faster to...
I PLEDGE to paint my Chakax
For my lizardmen i went with something different i gave them yellow skin and gray scales but the way i paint mine its a long time to paint one but...
Thanks for all the replies and im think of getting a box set of skinks and making three groups of 12 and an ancient stegadon with Engine of the...
Im new with lizardmen and i only played 5 match with only the battleon and chakax and my ratio is 2:3 but the question is what might i need to...