For my spearheads I'm leaving them black, with a few hard-edged highlights of a very light gray, and then giving them a layer of gloss coat to...
I drilled the hole larger, and put a bit of square brass tube in before using superglue and green stuff to rebuild around it. For the base, I'm...
Just prime white and it isn't all that hard :) For my elven ships in Uncharted Seas I even just left the white primer alone. You can leave the...
It's always a good idea to put sealant on your models anyway. I use Testor's, personally... Glossy sealant will protect much better, but be...
My pledge: - Finish the detailing and basing on my 36 Saurus Warriors (not really much left here, just gold and teeth/claws). Does not include...
Hrm... Would have helped to know that before I got all 36 together. Oops. :rage:
Not done yet, but I picked up some 3/16" acryllic rod from a local plastic store. Should be much sturdier than the standard rod, plus I cut it...
Strewart has it right - looking for rules, not probabilities. Thanks for the stats, though, never hurts to know more :)
How does Cold Blooded interact with other abilities which modify the number of dice which are rolled for a LD check? For instance, the Crystal of...
Ball Red is probably the least impressive wash in the line. I have yet to find a use for it. Even on my reds, I use Asurmen Blue to darken it...
Don't underestimate the power of drybrushing. It's a quick, relatively easy technique that can give you good results in much less time. That can...
The bases don't need to be that thick to get the effect you're looking for. I dislike very think basing for pavestones like that, it just doesn't...
This is probably obvious to anyone who's been playing Warhammer longer than the two months I have, but damned if I can find it anywhere. For...
I do use the washes - the cavalry riders are based with Mordian Blue and Mechrite Red, and the whole model is given a heavy wash of Asurmen Blue...
I love Cupped Hands - not only do you not worry about miscasts, you WANT them :) Well, the first one, anyway :bored:
I have a large (12"x17"x5") clear plastic case, that I epoxied a large piece of sheet metal to the bottom after cutting it to size. With rare...
I've never been much of a painter. I don't enjoy it terribly much, and while I like what I can turn out it takes me ages to to models (average...
2250 points. BSB was going to be on foot, probably hanging out near the Saurus to ensure nothing unusually whacky happens with breaks, trying to...
Greetings, all. Not first post, but close :) I'm prepping for a tournament in May. I'm quite new to Warhammer, and have been playing smaller...
Instructions from Dr. Faust, a great resource for painting: Method 1 Method 2