Looks good so far... could you try getting some clearer images of your Saurus Scar-Vet/ Oldblood.
Well... the kroxigor that Craken wanted is now out... but its 5 inches high... I think that's a bit big for Nakai the Wanderer... apparently its...
it does and i am going to use it but i haven't started painting it yet so i didn't show it in the pic.
I've just got my Stegadon and I'm hoping to get the Lizardmen battalion soon. Anyway... here is some pictures of my skink chief from the Stegadon...
the mace doesn't look very mace-like... it looks more like one of the new halberds than a mace... otherwise its looking really good although I can...
I've almost finished my first skink chief: There is only the shield left to do then I've got to stick it on... then he is done! I've also had...
THey look really good. And great conversion with the cold one.
I've just cut off the club. There is the new skink brave: The photo is a bit better but the main thing is the shield. Does it look better?
The new washes are awesome. All I did for the blue skin is undercoat it with the white spray and put a couple of heavy coats of asurman blue on...
Ok... i now have 3 skinks (one of which is a brave) and i have painted one of the shields. It is only a little update but i was wondering if the...
That is an amazing temple city he has got there. I especially like the reptile on the top of the gate.
That model might actually be one of Rikard's. This is the web address to a WarSeer topic about Rikard's Kroxigors:...
i know. do you have any suggestions for washes to go on the spear handle? Also.. i would like to know if there is a dark green wash in the games...
Nakai the Wanderer is the only character that games workshop didn't make a new set of rules for in the latest book... i wonder why? Anyway... i...
i've finished the skink now :smug: . Here is it finished: The scales are a slightly lighter colour. Does it work? Is the change enough?
Awesome conversion... and great paint job as well... although i do agree the strewart, the weapons do look a bit small compared to the games...
I'm not sure about using them as terradons but they could be used as a model to represent the Coatls, the "guardians of sacred plaques". They...
Re: My lizardmen army (many heavy pics) really good carnosaur. yur models look very good. Especially when they're in the massive army.
i've just painted a skink in my version of the games workshop colour scheme. it is still WIP. Please comment. I'm just wondering if the skin is to...
I've been playing around with some of the turquoises and blues but I can't seem to get the effect I want. I'm currently giving the paint scheme on...