Ya it looks like I need to start over again. So I am going to use Black primer then Scab Red then Delvan Mud wash. Sweet thanks guys. I am not...
Thanks guys. I did prime over all of my lizardmen skull white and washed most of the body with Baal Red. I will try Delven Mud, thanks. I will try...
Hey everyone, I finally started to paint my lizardmen, but I came up with a problem. I used Baal Red washes paint for the base of the saurus...
I saw my friend run an oldblood mounted on a carnosoar and he dominated his opponent. They are BEASTS! However Kroq Gar is around 600 points and...
Thanks guys. So I was actually wrong, my friend was using 4 vampires in his army instead of 5. Anyways I will try the Lore of Fire and the Lore of...
I guess hes just a little cheater then. Thanks for that. Also I meant to say Engine of the Gods instead of Ancient of the Gods. I guess you can...
Well a buddy of mine uses vamps and he has 5 vampires that give him a bunch of dispel dice. This is what I cast in order from my Slann against...
Thanks. I will try it. Only problem is that people I play pretty much always dispell by out rolling me. Thats why I chose to use 4 dice instead of...
I would have the Skink Priest with 2 Dispel scrolls, but it all depends on your opponents army. Also try to have both of your Scarvets on...
I have over 2250 points with Lizardmen, but I only play 2250 or sometimes less to learn more about moving and flanking in the game. I do have a...