That model is fantastic! You did an outstanding job, and while the NMM may not be perfect, I do really like how it accents the model.
Thanks guys, I am very happy with them and now I am deciding what I want to paint next now that I'm not as worried about building my army =) I am...
I got my first scar vet and it was missing a head, Games Workshop sent me a full replacement so I ended up with 2. Throw on a Temple Guard head on...
Re: WIP: Scar-Veteran (NMM howto?) Updated with new pics That NMM really came together on him, he looks great! I can't wait to see everything...
Really simple actually. I did a base coat of brown (again Vallejo paint - Beasty Brown). A Devlan Mud wash over it, then build up the highlights...
The gold is actually really easy once you get a process down. Start with a 50/50 mix of brown/gold (I use Vallejo paint so it's charred...
I like it! I think it all works together and can't wait to see it painted.
Re: WIP: Scar-Veteran (NME howto?) Great looking model, can't wait to see him all completed. Are you asking about non metallic metals? That's a...
Thanks guys for all of the positive words! I am my own worst critic but I am happy with the results. There are things I still need to improve...
Alright so after over 2 months I finally finished my stegadon. Overall I am very happy with him and ust in time for 8th (even though he got a bit...
I use all vallejo paint and I have been very happy with my results. I recently tried the GW washes though and now I am going to invest in some of...
Finally got my cold ones completed, took a while but I think they turned out well. Now on to my stegadon, very excited about him!
Not knowing a thing about Lizardmen when I started, I built my saurus warriors with hand weapons based on "cool factor" alone. If I had to do it...
Alright I finished painting all of the cold ones, and my first saurus is 99% complete. I need to touch up a few things on the banner and paint the...
Really great first models!
Sorry about not posting this pic earlier Marsdreamer, you'll laugh at just how cheap the "photo studio" is. 2 $10 lights from Target, and a sheet...
It depends on what I'm painting. For skinks and saurus I basecoat white, I've found that it works great. I thin my blue and it goes on great and...
Alright I finally got my saurus warriors finished up and based. I could continue to spend hours tweaking them but I'm very happy with how they...
Thanks for the feedback, still got some work to do on the saurus as you saw... those last bits of detail such as the eyes and scales drive me nuts...
Hi guys, I'm new to Lustria Online and new to Warhammer in general. I'm really enjoying building and painting the miniatures but so far I haven't...