well i hoped slayers wouldn't be playable characters as why would they respawn if they died? but they put those in
go play high elves then, there hero's can have dragons!
I don't think a bsb can have a non magical gw
the links i posted are non gw sites, but make 28-30 mm stuff
superfine white is the best to use tbh, but it's the same price as galeforcenine green stuff and you get the same ammount. and heres a tip for...
weapons shields transfers heads, weapons shields bases,shields and other stuff hope this lot helps
Because of this annoying thread i'm curruntly making lizardy beastmen, I tried to fight the urge will post pics in a week or 2
or use a blade on them to make the detail a little deeper that tends to work.
Re: A Lizardmen Ruin (WIP) Well it's not really too shallow as it can go "further" into the ground its just the exit from the spawning pool
You could always swap the arms round and have lefty saurus :p
I use ink rather than washes, and yeah it's over the original Thraka Green wash, I used a Black/green vallejo Ink, almost finished a rank of...
Temple guard scales are done in a different was overlapping rather than seperate scales, something gw doesn't do often if you check out the dragon...
watered down brown ink either daler rowney fw acrylic ink, or vallejo brown both are good
it's detailed side down, that's why i'm doing a mainly skink army. they haven't changed the saurus moulds for a while tbh. atleast Temple Guard...
made them the same colour as the scales and you're right it does bring out the model quite nicely it's striking but not overwhelming!
also a little fun tip for scales that i think looks quite good is do them with a thin coat of satin varnish over them.
Doesn't really matter some people go lighter others go darker just personal preference really.
Yeah, i'll be picking out the rest of the scales with a brush and the head plate has been bugging me not too sure on what colour to do would green...
Check out army painter merchandise for easy painting, just a base coat pic out some details and dip looks alright a little basic for more...
hochland long rifle still requires LoS since the slann is in the middle of the unit it will be out of LoS like a skaven character at the back of...