So far I've found that Lore of LIfe and Lore of shadows work well with my slann. The lore of metal does seem kinda situational. The enchanted...
My two slann are not but toughness 4, their major powers can be dispelled (ever try dispelling a str10 d6 wound cannonball? tell me how that works...
The difference is, back in 7th ed, the anvil and cauldron were indestructible, and 2/3's of your shooting hits would be wasted... but now you have...
Oh, unfortunately its not a typo. Pretty much all of the huge centerpiece models for various armies are toughness 10, such as the steam tank, the...
Ah, ok, upon reading up on the ol' steam tank in the empire army book, I have found several points... 1. Steam tanks are immune to any spell...
PS - I think it was mostly the 20+ inch charge and the milliond3 impact hits into my temple guard first turn (not even taking into account what 3...
Hey guys, I'm need some serious assistance here. I've been having a blast with the new percentange rules for 8th edition army comp. You can just...
This is true, but aren't normal chaos warriors already LD8 with re-rollable panic tests? seems like the only thing that would suffer is marauders,...
Ah, ok, that makes alot more sense now. I thought that a 40 point setup that made an exalted hero ASF and ITP (as well as killing blow and poison)...
Hey guys, quick question for you. I just had a great time fighting a warriors of choas player. One thing I think he was trying to slip by me...
I'll back that up. The statuette of spite does really help. I tend to use it when i've got a few left over points and know my opponent has a...
Haha, awesome. Wyverns are great. I've seen bret men at arms break and run down a star dragon before, which was hilarious as well. Just a heads...
Wow, i think i'm the only one who paints them just like human eyes... my skinks are adeptus battlegrey with bloodred scales and royal blue...
I'm glad carno's aren't large targets any more. people act like its so incredibly scary just because you can't snipe it with a cannon as easily......
@Chahlie - You sir, said it perfectly. I know its hard to see your army that you put so much time and effort into assembling/painting/whatevs get...
Nakai, you are a gentleman after my own heart. Thats the attidtude I wish more people would come to a game with! Imagine how much better a victory...
Doesn't it seem like so many problems that other people keep having, we solve easily by throwing skinks at it? ^_^
My dad always used to tell me "God, I dont know how to stay sober with all this whine..." A bad pun to be sure, but one that I believe is starting...
Eh, i'm not sure I'm going to like that march blocking LD test deal. Seems like it would make march blocking more random, true, but much less...
Really? I've seen and played against both an executioner deathstar (28 execs, a BSB hag with the ASF banner backed up by a cauldron of blood and a...