That may be the case. Like I have said, I'm only going based on what I have heard from people that have the rule book. I'm picking up my copy...
I ordered the Collecters edition from GW and get it tomorrow, but hey, thats Canada post for you (insert mandatory Canadian Eh).
The skink cohorts are a good idea. However, with the step up rule there is no question about what to attack in the skink/krox mix units. Unless...
I hope the shields will give the +1 because if they do not then there are going to be a lot of cavelry that get screwed. Likely It will be the +1...
Its not that anyone is doing anything wrong, its just bad luck. It happens from time to time.
What I want to know it what happens when two of the same weapon are used by the cavalry lord/hero/model/thingy. Since shields on cavalry are going...
Dammit. Correction to above. *pieces* Highest english mark in my grade and I can't spell pieces for heaven's sake.
Fair enough. I'm just going by info that I have come across in bits and peices over the last week and a bit. Since I live in Canada, I dont get...
Not quite mate. The way it works from what I have seen and heard is that a unit cannot swap between their weapons. Eg, no more saurus with a...
For starters, the Slann becomes a potential liability. In the new rules, if a unit with the BSB breaks, the BSB automatically dies. In this case,...