Chameleon skinks are AWESEOME. Deploy behind your enemy and watch them get frustrated as you harass them from behind the entire game. BS is 4 so...
High Elves are very easy. Slann with Life and Becalming (this will make Teclis' job very difficult). Bring lots of chameleon scouts as they are...
That works both ways though. If nobody's attackin the Saurus, then they aren't doing any damage either.
I've been running some tests by matching up equal point value units of Saurus with Skrox in order to determine which has the best damage output...
What are your ideas for making the wind push spell effective? Any great combination ideas or examples for an effective casting of this one are...
I'd leave the razordons at home and focus on salamanders. They are, by far, superior right now. I prefer blowpipes on my skirmishers for the...
I fear that without the kroxigar, this unit is simply a paper doll. However, 5 points per model is nothing to laugh at when you consider that...
I think you know what I meant.... :rage:
I run 1 or 2 together taking up all the rare duplicate choices I can because these are our most effective units right now and they're so cheap for...
Think what you will but don't knock it till you've tried it. This unit has not died yet. T6 Skinks with Regen 4+ are VERY hard to kill. Don't...
An allstar unit for me in recent games is a unit of 32 skinks and 4 kroxigar. Run them 8 wide and all of your Krox will get to attack. Or run...
I think the whole turning into a dragon thing is overestimated. Let him turn himself into a dragon on a 20+ He will waste 5 or 6 dice and he...
I don't think you ignore the effects do you? You just move through it without taking dangerous terrain tests.
Aquatic actually just became a very valuable skill. Throw down a Khemarian quicksand and let your skirmishers hang out in there at -2 to hit...
You're wrong though, as somebody already pointed out. Initiative does not take precedence after always strike first cancels each other out. Both...
So this is only if he directs his attack against my champ? Guess I'm not clear on how that would work as the champ is part of the unit....
Slann special rule allows this so it overrides the basic rulebook. This is assuming you are referring to a Slann in Temple Guard of course.
Does this have to be revealed to your opponent at the beginning of the game, or can you write it down on paper?
My usual opponent is high elves, and he is quite nasty now with ASF getting to re-roll misses. I am wondering if I might be able to surprise him...
Could you place a shrine or building in the middle of a marsh? Wizards tower in a mash, for example, would be sweet.