Humm ... correct me if i'm wrong but under the new rules models killed before their initiatives turn still get to strike (provided there are...
good list, be sure to keep at-least one of the Vets in the TG unit, its because the Slaan can not get sucked into a duel unless some on steps up...
oh i see it specifically says it, awesome
So the 8th ed book says that a caster cannot cast a magic missile if he or his unit are engaged in close combat ... does the mean the slaan can no...
that why i'm not a fan so special characters .... almost never use them .... We got some broken ones too, Gor-Rok under the new composition rules...
looks good. it could use a scar-vet or two. And the current consensus is that under 8th ed spears are useless unless you got alot of ranks
3D6 Re-roles on LD 10 ... so close to unbreakable ...
So is the Slaan is BSB and he has the Standard of Discipline do other models get to use his new inspiring presences of 10. Even though the unit...
So, the new supporting attack only get one attack each, and spears now just let you make supporting attacks with a additional rank. So i guess...
If it doesn't need to be in the front-arc then Casket of Souls just got crazy. I feel like the front arc thing might be addressed in the first FAQ
I was hopping folk would find it amusing, I don't think i would need Crown of Command though, because the new stubborn rule states that if a...
i've been wondering about the hat, i wrote it in a 2250 list with two old bloods in it (one on foot the other on CO) i was thinking it would let...
I've been thinking about trying out a list based entirely on having a hoard of TG with a slaan. this is it at the 2250 lvl, any...