imo chakax isn't worth it, yeah he may make a TG unit unbreakable, but those 335 can be better spent. Gor-rok is 1/3 less and better if you ask...
if you play 2500+ kroak is the most devastating thing i have seen on a battle field. Unlimited casts of a spell the is the nastyness........
yes i did er in that, razor's cant march and shoot
for the maximum effiency point for point i run units 6 wide. a lagrge frontage leaves the opportunity for wasted front rank which equals wasted...
also for some flavor, it is possible to have a slann with cupped hands AND aa old blood in a 2000 list. yes thats 2 lords yet still 25% so valid....
Yes, but no mention of no marching and shooting is made in the sally entry, thus furthering my point. Razordons have thier use but i feel that...
i believe in the rule book, since they are treated as skirmishers, both can march and shoot. i personally have had a tremendous amount of fun with...